If you want to sell your home, listing it on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) is essential. However, paying 6% is optional.
For a total MLS listing fee of just 1% of the selling price to be paid at closing, “Home Discount Realty” will place your home on the local MLS, Realtor.com, Zillow.com, Trulia.com, Homes.com, Yahoo.com, and hundreds of other websites presenting you with maximum exposure from a Full Service Real Estate Company. If your home does not sell, you will pay zero!
If you reduce the normal Buyer’s agent commission of 3%, your maximum exposure will not change.
Home Discount Realty is one of Nevada’s least expensive full-service real estate companies. You are getting premium service from a FULL-SERVICE REAL ESTATE COMPANY.
Beware of other Flat-Rate Listing Companies. It is common practice to lure a seller with an inexpensive flat-rate listing fee that may not be all-inclusive. Home Discount Realty does not have add-on fees like MLS or state closing fees, limits the number of contract reviews, or performs any other normal service a full-service real estate company would perform when listing and selling your property.
Included in our Full Service Flat Listing Plan:
- Month to month Listing Contract
- Up to 35 pictures by a Professional Photographer
- Front Yard Signage
- Commission to Buyer’s Agent set by Seller
- Open Houses
- Electronic Key Box
- Seller or Broker can set up Appointments.
- Cell: 702-980-7760 / 702-606-3906
- Email: homediscountrealty@yahoo.com

1 | Call or register today - PRIOR to signing a contract with a builder, seller or agent. |
2 | List NewHomeRebateCalifornia with Real Estate Company as your agent when visiting builders. |
3 | Close on your perfect home and collect your rebate! We can credit it towards closing costs or write you a check.. |